AWS CDK - Create custom Subnets with custom CIDR blocks


 When you're building a VPC through AWS CDK, the Vpc construct will create the subnets automatically for you without allowing you to specify the subnet cidr blocks.

    const pizzaVPC = new CfnVPC(this, "CDKPizzaVPC", {
cidrBlock: "",

If you don't want them, then use CfnVPC, this will allow you to manually create your subnets with any highlevel construct. i.e: 

    const subnet1 = new PublicSubnet(this, "CDKSubnet1", {
vpcId: pizzaVPC.ref,
availabilityZone: "us-east-1a",
cidrBlock: "",

const subnet2 = new PublicSubnet(this, "CDKSubnet2", {
vpcId: pizzaVPC.ref,
availabilityZone: "us-east-1b",
cidrBlock: "",
